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The “gold theft and robbery incident” is like a Hollywood movie sequence!

1 minute read

The “gold theft and robbery incident” is like a Hollywood movie sequence!

Things are like this, the subsidiary called Akroma Gold Company in the Republic of Ghana suffered an armed robbery attack, just like in the shooting action movie as exciting. It is said that this gang of robbers is not vegetarian, robbed the gold is not enough, but also even people with gold to run away, it is really a dog in a hurry to jump over the wall!


However, Xiaocheng Technology is not a light, they have searched all over the police department, the Ministry of State Security, but also rewarded the clues, arrested 5-6 suspects, let them stay in the police station to reflect. However, these suspects do not seem to have spilled the beans on the whereabouts of the gold, isn't it a bit like the plot of a suspenseful movie?

The securities department is also in a state of anxiety. They have arrested people but have not found any trace of the gold, as if they are playing a game of “blind cat looking for dead rats”. The situation of offshore companies they do not know very well, can only slowly wait for the follow-up news, hoping for a good result.

This story is still developing, like a wonderful serial drama, with new episodes every day. We can only wait and see what will happen next. Don't miss out on this “real life” suspense drama!

Hey, do you have any thoughts or guesses? Let's talk about the mysterious “gold theft” and guess how it will end!

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